About Social Innovation Catalyst

Social Innovation Catalyst
The Social Innovation Catalyst is co-financed by the European Social Fund.
We believe that many socially important needs require new approach. Accordingly, we seek, on our own or by helping others, to develop, refine and test in practice innovative solutions, i.e. social innovations.
We try to promote the very concept of ‘social innovation’ in various ways by introducing it into the public debate and proposing its commonly developed understanding. We also support individuals and institutions working on their innovative ideas. We strive to help generate, refine, test and implement such ideas.
We also carry out our own activities that lead to innovative methods, solutions, tools and objects to help solve social problems.
Shipyard Foundation
For more than 13 years it has been creating and supporting effective solutions to social problems, engaging male and female citizens in deciding public issues and helping organisations and local governments plan and implement social activities.
Shipyard Foundation develops and disseminates good practices, creates tools to facilitate social activities, conducts social research, provides training and produces educational materials.
Results of its activities benefit, among others, senior citizens, students and teachers, residents, activists and local self-government officials from all over Poland.
Foundation for Social and Economic Initiatives
Foundation for Social and Economic Initiatives
It seeks to influence changes occurring in the socio-economic system to make it more flexible, receptive to cooperation and effective. The Foundation believes that this is not possible without citizens’ involvement in the development and implementation of public tasks. This is why the Foundation attaches importance to the concepts of ‘social economy’ and ‘public participation’.
The Foundation operates the TransferHUB, an incubator for social innovation in the labour market area of the future.
Support for innovators
Krzysztof Alcer
Co-ordinatore-mail krzysztof.alcer@fise.org.pl
Aleksandra Kot
e-mail aleksandra.kot@fise.org.pl
Agnieszka Kalinowska
e-mail akalinowska@stocznia.org.pl
Incubator support
Julia Zasacka
e-mail jzasacka@stocznia.org.pl
Krzysztof Alcer
e-mail krzysztof.alcer@fise.org.pl