The nature of innovation
The problem that innovation answers
The issue of stereotypical perceptions of women's roles in society and the frequent belief that they should not be involved in politics, that they are not knowledgeable about politics - contribute to a situation where teenage girls do not plan to hold management positions in the future. Teenage girls lack role models of women acting in the area of management or making important decisions. At the same time, there is a lack of space in school to practice public speaking or critical thinking skills.
How does innovation work?
The innovation in this game is to create an environment that promotes sex equality by assigning women a leadership role in a simulation of managing a self-government. The main aspects of the innovation are: promotion of sex equality creation of space for self-expression; development of decision-making skills; creative approach to learning; reflection on the effects of actions.
Who is the innovation for?
A game for young people aged 12 - 18, dedicated to young women. It is particularly desirable to play the game among young people living in small towns or villages.
Who can implement the innovation?
Educational and training facilities - schools, community day centres, etc. NGOs working for the benefit of young people, libraries, cultural centres, Youth Councils.
Products resulting from testing
Game with box which includes: game board; 24 cards; 24 prompt cards; sources for each area box (podcasts, quotes, interviews, did you know...) to expand players' knowledge, free microphone cards; game manual with information for players; facilitator's manual including: specification of the facilitator's role; guidelines; key guidelines; organisational aspects; speech manual; inspiration card for your own action in your city.
Results achieved as a result of testing
There were 3 meetings organised in 3 different schools, 4 meetings at the foundation's headquarters, an international meeting: a game of 3 groups at the same time. During the observation of the participants and the female participants of the game, their involvement was visible. They declared that the tool was interesting and encouraged the group to play. The participants of the testing were actively involved in drawing conclusions from the game, they were willing to share their observations, a particularly important result was the visible reflection of the young people on the actual activities in self-government.
Assessment of innovation effectiveness
Zdecydowanie pozytywna
Rating comment
,,Gra jest super! Te role są ciekawe i zadania rozwijają wyobraźnię, podoba mi się, że każda z nas się wypowiadała! Dzięki temu było tak angażująco. Robienie wizytówek pozwoliło fajnie się wczuć w rolę od początku. Podoba mi się, że sama mogę wybrać imię i nazwisko.”
„Gdyby byli tu chłopcy z naszej klasy, bałabym się zgłosić na przewodniczącą. Fajnie jest to ćwiczyć w takim znajomym gronie.”
„MŁODZIEŻ ZASŁUGUJE NA ZAUFANIE Z NASZEJ STRONY / ZAUFAJMY MŁODZIEŻY!” - kilkukrotnie powtarzane zdanie w trakcie rozgrywki, kiedy wcielały się w postaci Rady (dorosłych!).
Gra pozytywnie wpływa na kształtowanie różnorodnych umiejętności – przemawiania, formułowania argumentów, podejmowania decyzji czy wypracowania kompromisów.
Istotne jest, że zarówno dziewczyny poznają siebie w pełnieniu roli liderskich, ale także w rolach zarządczych widzą je inni współgracze – w szczególności chłopacy.Gra jest elastyczna, można wykorzystywać ją w różnych przestrzeniach w pracy z młodzieżą, dostosowując jej przebieg do potrzeb grupy.
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