Generator of good habits
An app for pupils and students to develop skills, good habits and attitudes in demand on the labor market
About innovation
The nature of innovation
The problem that innovation answers
Young people entering the labor market often lack good habits the employers require, such as good time management, punctuality, keeping deadlines. There was a need for a tool to test career aptitude on one's own using an algorithm based on a writing sample.
How does innovation work?
This innovation is a web and mobile app that helps practice self-discipline. The app allows its users to strengthen good habits sought after by employers and develop qualities and skills such as: responsibility for one's own career, continuous personal development, work organization, punctuality, time management, on-time performance and independence.
Who is the innovation for?
High school students, last year university students (under- and postgraduate studies) or people aged 18-25 who have not started their professional career yet.
Who can implement the innovation?
Career advisors, teachers, labor market institutions, employers
Products resulting from testing
The mobile app “Generator of good habits”
The web app “Generator of good habits”
Results achieved as a result of testing
The app had a positive impact on the young people using it. The users started to study systematically, read books more often, play sports, eat healthily and save more money. Because of the tool many people started to plan their tasks and implement them consistently. The app helped them streamline their daily routine, become more organized, carry out their duties and plan more effectively.
Assessment of innovation effectiveness
Zdecydowanie pozytywna
Has the innovation been selected for dissemination?
How to implement an innovation?
Who is necessary to implement innovations?
A digitally competent person, able to use the mobile or web app
What is necessary to implement innovations?
A computer with Internet access and/or an Android-based phone with Internet access
Who is behind it?
Innovator type
Osoba fizyczna
An institution supporting the development of innovation
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Mikro innowacje - makro korzyści [2016-2019]