Local Cooperation Model
Local Cooperation Model for the protection of consumer rights of people with disabilities

About innovation
The nature of innovation
Model organizacyjny
The problem that innovation answers
The innovation addresses the problem of low awareness on consumer rights among people with disabilities. This is due to the relevant information not being easily accessible and the fact that its dissemination is not adapted to the needs and capacities of people with different types of disabilities.
How does innovation work?
People with disabilities receive information on how they can protect themselves against i.a. bad contracts or purchases, while assistants of people with disabilities, social workers and other supporting personnel are provided with tools to empower consumers with disabilities by promoting knowledge and educating them about their rights and obligations. People of different ages, including those experiencing financial difficulties and victims of financial fraud, can benefit from solutions developed in the field of economic education.
Who is the innovation for?
– People with disabilities
– Seniors
Who can implement the innovation?
Public institutions supporting people with disabilities
– Non–governmental organizations
Products resulting from testing
A Local Cooperation Model
- An information booklet “Handbook for people with disabilities. You are a consumer too”
A web platform adapted to the needs of people with disabilities (educational content prepared according to the easy-to-read principles, with a sign language interpreter, adjustable font size and a spoken version of the information) providing information on consumer rights and contact details of institutions and entities supporting consumers, a program and plans for group and individual workshops
Guidelines for assistants of people with disabilities, social workers and other model users on how to educate and disseminate the knowledge on consumer rights
Plans of educational workshops on consumer rights for people with disabilities
Results achieved as a result of testing
Easier access to information on consumer rights for the recipients of the program
Assessment of innovation effectiveness
Zdecydowanie pozytywna
Has the innovation been selected for dissemination?
How to implement an innovation?
Who is necessary to implement innovations?
Organizations willing to cooperate
What is necessary to implement innovations?
Utensils required for workshops: workshop space, an overhead projector, a computer with Internet access, magnetic boards.
Who is behind it?
Innovator type
Podmiot prawny
Name and surname or name of the innovator(s)
Fundacja Fuga Mundi
City where the innovator(s) reside or have their registered office
An institution supporting the development of innovation
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Usługi opiekuńcze dla osób niepełnosprawnych [2016-2019]
Contact for innovation
Fundacja Fuga Mundi:
Telefon: +81 534 26 01;
E-mail: ffm@ffm.pl;
Adres korespondencyjny: ul. Hutnicza 20B, 20-218 Lublin.