Fundusze UE

MarketView – learning economic and labor market trends by using innovative gamification methods including online tools.

An educational app (MarketView) on the labor market for school/university students.
Zdjęcie MarketView – learning economic and labor market trends by using innovative gamification methods including online tools.


Who is behind it?

Innovator type
Podmiot prawny
Name and surname or name of the innovator(s)
Michał Klepka
City where the innovator(s) reside or have their registered office
Kilka szkół ponadgimnazjalnych na terenie Województwa Lubelskiego
An institution supporting the development of innovation
NULL string(36) "aa9a5abe-2f72-4f94-9065-48e0c54405cb"
Mikro innowacje - makro korzyści [2016-2019]
Contact for innovation

About innovation

The nature of innovation
The problem that innovation answers
High school students lack the ability to interpret economic and technological trends and navigate the changes on the labor market. Their educational (e.g. university) and professional choices are often characterised by the lack of foresight.
How does innovation work?
MARKETView is intended for high school students to learn about economic and labor market trends and be better prepared for entering the labor market while consciously choosing a career path. The innovation combines elements of gamification, online tools and information, making it attractive to young people. The innovation is an educational game and the users have to complete various tasks/challenges within a set period of time. They relate to important areas of the economy that stimulate changes in the global market. They also present information that young people, who make the transition from the school to the labor market, should be familiar with. By playing the game its users will develop interest, among other things, in what is happening in future technologies or professions and they improve their ability to understand those phenomena.
Who is the innovation for?
High school students.
Who can implement the innovation?
– high school students – high school teachers, especially teachers of basic entrepreneurship courses – Vocational counselors
Products resulting from testing
As a result of the innovation trials, the following were refined: Gamification mechanism (mechanics, online tool, task starter pack) Internet platform (inactive)
Results achieved as a result of testing
With this educational game, young people entering the labor market were able to learn about it and acquire key information about the economy.
Assessment of innovation effectiveness
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Rating comment
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Has the innovation been selected for dissemination?

How to implement an innovation?

Who is necessary to implement innovations?
Students of high schools able to use a game/online app
What is necessary to implement innovations?
A phone or computer with Internet access

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