Fundusze UE

Improving the mental well-being and physical health of seniors and their caregivers

Care model for seniors and their caregivers aimed at improving their well-being
Zdjęcie Improving the mental well-being and physical health of seniors and their caregivers


Who is behind it?

Innovator type
Podmiot prawny
Name and surname or name of the innovator(s)
Europejska Fundacja Opieki Senioralnej EFOS w Zielonej Górze
City where the innovator(s) reside or have their registered office
An institution supporting the development of innovation
NULL string(36) "4e91015a-82b2-4043-b961-24db73c02025"
Inkubator Wielkich Jutra [2019-2023]
Contact for innovation

Europejska Fundacja Opieki Senioralnej EFOS w Zielonej Górze:



Adres korespondencyjny: ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 7/5, 65-047 Zielona Góra.

About innovation

The nature of innovation
The problem that innovation answers
The innovation addresses the insufficient support for seniors (residents of the so-called tower block housing) and their caregivers, the so-called "sandwich generation".
How does innovation work?
The solution involves integrated therapy for seniors (people aged 60 and older) and their caregivers, including the following methods: oxygen, ozone, feline, dog and horticultural therapy. The innovation of the project is based on role reversal: for several weeks the seniors will take on the role of caregivers (participating in various forms of therapy), while their caregivers will be provided with mental and physical support, thus getting the sense of being taken care of.
Who is the innovation for?
Seniors from the so-called block towers with limited access to nature
Who can implement the innovation?
National and local government agencies, private institutions and NGOs assisting seniors
Products resulting from testing
A model to support families with an elderly person requiring care – Evaluation questionnaires – Training materials for participants – A model of therapy support for seniors – A model of stress management workshops – A workshop program – A workshop plan
Results achieved as a result of testing
We developed a model to support families with an elderly person requiring care
Assessment of innovation effectiveness
Zdecydowanie pozytywna
Has the innovation been selected for dissemination?

How to implement an innovation?

Who is necessary to implement innovations?
Specialists of various forms of therapy
What is necessary to implement innovations?
Space to conduct various forms of therapy

Do you want to learn more about innovation? Write to us!

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