The nature of innovation
Model organizacyjny
The problem that innovation answers
After retirement, there is often a trap in which people feel themselves to be redundant and isolated from society. The lack of work responsibilities can reduce the sense of being active and useful.
How does innovation work?
The animal rehabilitation centre prepares to receive volunteers by adapting its activities to the needs of older people. The centre establishes contact with various institutions, such as care homes, senior citizens' homes, third-age universities, senior citizens' clubs or other groups for senior citizens. The next step is to work out the logistics of the project and create a team, where a key element may be hiring or appointing a coordinator, finding volunteers, engaging a psychologist and preparing a bird carer and/or behaviourist to work with seniors.A series of preparatory lectures on the psychology and biology of birds are held to interest and inspire the staff of the invited facility, using footage prepared by the creators of the initiative. Together with the involvement of a psychologist, individual and group goals are set. Each meeting and supervision is carried out according to the pre-prepared meeting scenarios included in the materials.At the end of the project, i.e. after the meetings have been carried out according to the designated scenarios, it is worth organising a final meeting, for example a bonfire, to share the impressions of both those participating and those leading the project.
Who is the innovation for?
Direct recipients:people 60+ living in nursing homes or in residential or 24-hour care facilities,disabled birds from the asylum.
Intermediate recipients:rehabilitators from social care homes, who receive new tools to work with their charges,animal rehabilitation centres, who gain regular volunteers in seniors.
Who can implement the innovation?
Care homes, senior citizens' homes, third age university and other organisations or groups for senior citizens, animal rehabilitation centres.
Products resulting from testing
Model organizacji spotkań opartych na ornitoterapii - terapii z towarzyszeniem dzikich ptaków, materiały edukacyjne dla seniorów i opracowane scenariusze spotkań dla organizatorów.
Results achieved as a result of testing
Starsi ludzie zwiększają swoje poczucie sprawstwa, poprawiają samopoczucie, budują nowe relacje społeczne i międzygatunkowe. Korzyści te, wzbogacone o kontakt z naturą, mogą znaleźć zastosowanie m. in. jako leczenie wspomagające w depresji, zaburzeniach poznawczych i lękowych. W zamian za to ptaki z azylu – dzięki zaufaniu – przyzwyczajają się do nowych warunków życia i bez stresu budują przewidywalne środowisko.
Has the innovation been selected for dissemination?