Fundusze UE

Equali in importance

Building relationships between young people in foster care and people of pre-retirement age, employment assistance for both groups.
Zdjęcie Equali in importance


Who is behind it?

Innovator type
Podmiot prawny
Name and surname or name of the innovator(s)
Stowarzyszenie Rozwoju Zawodowego i Osobistego „Zielona Myśl”
City where the innovator(s) reside or have their registered office
Lębork, Gdańsk, Kraków
An institution supporting the development of innovation
NULL string(36) "826464f5-bd3a-4007-86df-f722e6fe9d34"
Małe Wielkie Zmiany [2016-2019]
Contact for innovation

Projekt równoWAŻNI:


Adres korespondencyjny: ul. Słoneczna 15, 76-200 Słupsk.

About innovation

The nature of innovation
Model organizacyjny
The problem that innovation answers
Young people leaving foster care usually lack the qualifications and skills necessary to become independent. There are also no effective programs to help them acquire such skills. At the same time, people of pre-retirement age often fail to realize their full potential, they participate less frequently in development programs and are at risk of leaving the labor market early.
How does innovation work?
The project “Equal in importance” proposes developing a model of cooperation between foster care institutions and market actors, through which foster care recipients and pre-retirement workers could build a mutual relationship based on support and education. On the one hand, such relationship makes it easier for young people leaving foster care to become independent and safely enter the labor market. On the other hand, employees aged 50 or older, who are at risk of "mentally distancing themselves from the labor market", will have the opportunity to maintain their activity and attractiveness as an employee by broadening their competences and taking on a new role of a mentor. The collaboration model is centered around short-term, easily implementable professional micro-projects carried out by two-person teams involving a foster care recipient (mentee) and a worker aged 50 or older (mentor). As part of the innovation, trial micro-projects were developed and rules regarding their content and form were defined. The teams presented the results at the mentor's workplace and, if meeting the company's requirements, they resulted in the mentee receiving a job reference letter. In addition, a website was created to facilitate networking and implementing interesting projects.
Who is the innovation for?
people in institutional care (aged 16-25) - people at pre-retirement age (aged 50-65)
Who can implement the innovation?
Foster care institutions – Local government bodies responsible for social policy – Foundations, associations, social cooperatives etc. supporting foster kids in becoming independent – Enterprises with age management and CSR (corporate social responsibility) policies
Products resulting from testing
A model of cooperation between foster care institutions and businesses through which former foster care kids can build educational and supportive relationships with mentors, people of pre-retirement age, and jointly execute projects intended for professional development of both groups
Results achieved as a result of testing
As part of the innovation, a cooperation was established between three businesses, two foster care homes and the District Family Assistance Center. The mentees indicated that because of the micro-project they have acquired knowledge, work organization skills and self-reliance. The project has also had a positive impact on their relationship building skills such as openness to other people, communication skills and openness in their behavior. The evaluation results show that the model was rather effective for mentors in terms of increased self-motivation and perceived professional attractiveness. The micro-project has improved their competences, such as the ability to cooperate and communicate with people from younger generations. They also listed, among other things, that the project helped them become more confident, considerate of others, more motivated to work on personal development and allowed them to get a more positive outlook on their age.
Assessment of innovation effectiveness
Zdecydowanie pozytywna
Has the innovation been selected for dissemination?

How to implement an innovation?

Who is necessary to implement innovations?
A business organization – Employees to act as mentors – A foster care institution – Foster care youth and former foster care youth
What is necessary to implement innovations?
A trainee contract signed by a company with a trainee (mentee) –Micro–projects developed by the companies

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