Fundusze UE

Shopping bag with wheelchair attachments

A bag model tailored to the needs of wheelchair users
Zdjęcie Shopping bag with wheelchair attachments


Who is behind it?

Name and surname or name of the innovator(s)
Przedsiębiorstwo Społeczne Krawiec Sp. z o.o.
City where the innovator(s) reside or have their registered office
An institution supporting the development of innovation
NULL string(36) "c05950a7-8e62-4caf-b116-2b24c129f320"
INNOES [2019-2023]
Contact for innovation

About innovation

The nature of innovation
Model organizacyjny
The problem that innovation answers
Insufficient accessibility of cultural life, recreation and leisure activities for people with particular needs; encountering numerous architectural, social and technological barriers by people with disabilities, making it difficult for them to function; lack of solutions on the market to meet the needs of people with disabilities.
How does innovation work?
The innovation involves presentation of a model pattern of a universal shopping bag with wheelchair attachments and using it to sew this item, which helps people with reduced mobility and their caregivers in their daily life: shopping, attending cultural events, walking and other such activities.
Who is the innovation for?
People with disabilities; older people; people with reduced mobility.
Who can implement the innovation?
Institutions and organisations working in the field of socio-professional rehabilitation; people with disabilities; caregivers of people with disabilities; older people who use wheelchairs; care and social assistance homes; NGOs working for people with disabilities and older people; people with sewing skills.
Products resulting from testing
The outcome is a model of a universal bag along with a cutting pattern and technical and technological data developed in an accessible and readable form.
Results achieved as a result of testing
Improved quality of life for wheelchair users; increased social accessibility in daily life; the opportunity to participate more in cultural life, recreation and leisure activities; increased autonomy and independence for people with disabilities; improved life comfort and emotional functioning; and accelerated rehabilitation.
Assessment of innovation effectiveness
Zdecydowanie pozytywna
Has the innovation been selected for dissemination?

How to implement an innovation?

Who is necessary to implement innovations?
A person who can operate a sewing machine and sewing tools and can understand and apply a model pattern; a person with disabilities; a person who uses a wheelchair.
What is necessary to implement innovations?
Technical and sewing tools are needed to implement the innovation.

Do you want to learn more about innovation? Write to us!

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