Fundusze UE

Third Horizon

Tools for implementing trends which enable businesses to cross the barrier of inaccessible knowledge and ensure their future growth
Zdjęcie Third Horizon


Who is behind it?

Innovator type
Osoba fizyczna
An institution supporting the development of innovation
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POPOJUTRZE [2016-2019]

About innovation

The nature of innovation
Model organizacyjny
The problem that innovation answers
The innovation “Third Horizon” addresses the needs and barriers detected through surveys in small and medium-sized companies. The main problems identified by the innovators are: - Insufficient funds for sourcing innovations and consequently for implementing new products and services; - An insufficient number of employees assigned to innovation processes – the companies we surveyed prioritise their day-to-day operations over innovation; they are reluctant to delegate employees to work on innovation processes; - Lacking trust – consultants or other people from outside the companies have to deal with the subconscious resistance of the employees, as they are viewed as not being 'one of us'; - Lacking comprehensive knowledge, gathered in one place; - Kowledge is transferred in a way that is difficult to understand.
How does innovation work?
“Third Horizon” helps a business adapt to future changes and trends. The innovation is primarily intended for employees and owners of micro, small and medium-sized companies. Its aim is to enable the recipients to predict and define upcoming trends and to find solutions to future challenges. “Third Horizon” provides the right tools and teaches how to use them in a simple way. This innovation enables its recipients to look at their own enterprise not from a 'here and now' perspective but from a future perspective, and to develop specific action plans. “Third Horizon” is a clear step-by-step learning system with materials prepared using plain language and power writing techniques as well as an annually updated inventory of upcoming trends. The innovation is implemented in two steps: - Analysis – trends, perspective, future; this stage is question-oriented; - Implementation – values, changes, idea; this stage is action-oriented.
Who is the innovation for?
Owners of micro, small and medium–sized companies; – Managers of micro, small and medium–sized companies; – Employees of micro, small and medium–sized companies;
Who can implement the innovation?
Higher education institutions - Employees of institutions providing career guidance - Employees of labor offices
Products resulting from testing
Trend analysis and implementation tools, a method manual; - A transparent, step-by-step learning system; -Learning tools, such as tutorials – methodically designed instructions, written using plain language; - A method manual – a PDF file to be printed out and downloaded.
Results achieved as a result of testing
The model of the innovation “Third Horizon” was developed. Its users received a tool to adapt their enterprise to changes and trends that emerge in the near and distant future.
Has the innovation been selected for dissemination?

How to implement an innovation?

Who is necessary to implement innovations?
A person able to use a PC
What is necessary to implement innovations?
Internet access

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