Seniors-consultants in the City Hall of Lodz
Knowledge base on communicating with older people for public administration staff and seniors-consultants
About innovation
The nature of innovation
Model organizacyjny
The problem that innovation answers
Loneliness and feelings of social isolation in senior citizens;lack of digital competence;lost in the modern world;limited access to information;difficulty in completing documentation;lack of sense of agency.
How does innovation work?
The innovation is based on the cooperation of senios-consultants with older people who need to handle an issue at the office. The assistance consists of accompanying them through the process, giving them the necessary information, supporting them in filling in documents, etc.
Who is the innovation for?
Older people living in Lodz who have difficulties in dealing with administrative matters.
Who can implement the innovation?
Local government units;NGOs and foundations supporting older people;offices;administrative establishments;hospitals;offices.
Innovation testing site
Urząd Miejski w Łodzi.
Products resulting from testing
Consultation report;materials required for training;multimedia materials;manual;workshop.
Results achieved as a result of testing
Reducing feelings of loneliness and helplessness;support for seniors in dealing with formal and clerical-administrative issues;support in obtaining necessary information.
Has the innovation been selected for dissemination?
How to implement an innovation?
Who is necessary to implement innovations?
Project coordinator;workshop facilitator;consultation facilitator;seniors-consultants;senior citizens.
What is necessary to implement innovations?
Creation and training of a team of seniors-consultants;promotion and distribution of the handbook; establishment of a schedule for consultants.
Who is behind it?
Name and surname or name of the innovator(s)
Urząd Miasta Łodzi; Celina Maciejewska, Monika Dolik, Katarzyna Michalak
City where the innovator(s) reside or have their registered office
An institution supporting the development of innovation
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Generator Innowacji. Sieci Wsparcia 2 [2019-2023]
Contact for innovation
Urząd Miasta Łodzi;
Tel.: +48 (+42) 638 44 44
Adres korespondencyjny: ul. Piotrkowska 104, 90-926 Łódź.