Sensitivity – notebook with architectural and design solutions

A notebook for owners of various venues (coffeeshops, bars, etc.) presenting architectural and design solutions that meet the accessibility requirements.
Zdjęcie Sensitivity – notebook with architectural and design solutions


About innovation

The nature of innovation
The problem that innovation answers
There aren’t many public venues that are truly accessible and comfortable for all potential users, including people with various disabilities. The access to those venues is often limited. They are accessible e.g. only to people with mobility impairments, only to wheelchair users or the accessible area is only outdoors, etc. In some places, the barriers are architectural in nature (thresholds, stairs, no lift), in others there are no accessible toilets, adjustable lighting, sound volume control or a separate quiet zone. Untrained personnel may also pose a problem and their lack of experience in dealing with customers who have different needs.
How does innovation work?
The innovation aims to introduce new products facilitating the low-cost adaptation of public venues (e.g. coffeeshops, clubs, bars, restaurants, libraries, community centers) to the needs of people with disabilities. As part of the innovation, several complementary products have been developed. Those include a notebook with architectural and design solutions that meet the accessibility requirements. Such solutions can be implemented in public places independently by people managing the given space. In addition, furniture prototypes have been developed and their designs will be made available under a Creative Commons licence to encourage their implementation in other places, e.g. at homes or offices. We have also created a proprietary method '5 comfort zones' to verify whether places meet the accessibility and comfort requirements. It should ensure that venues are optimally retrofitted allowing for the diverse and changing needs of users. As part of the innovation, two specialist teams have also been set up. One team will be responsible for spatial management and audits and the other will involve certified craftsmen building furniture according to our designs.
Who is the innovation for?
People with mobility impairments, users of standard or electric wheelchairs, prosthesis users, People with visual impairments – people with low vision and the blind, People with intellectual disabilities, Educators and caregivers of people with disabilities, Deaf and hard of hearing, Seniors, People interested in universal design and accessibility of public venues and the so-called "third space"
Who can implement the innovation?
Owners and managers of public places such as club-cafés, restaurants, bistros, coffeeshops, museums, art galleries, day-care centers, community centers, libraries, shopping centers.
Products resulting from testing
A booklet ‘A comfortable club-café. A notebook with architectural and design solutions’, intended for administrators of the so-called "third space". Furniture prototypes have been developed. Their designs will be made available under a Creative Commons licence to encourage their implementation in other places, e.g. at homes or offices. '5 comfort zones’ – a service to verify whether places meet the accessibility requirements. It should ensure that venues are optimally retrofitted allowing for the diverse and changing needs of users. A team will be responsible for spatial management and comfort by applying the method of '5 comfort zones’. A team of certified craftsmen will build furniture according to our proprietary designs.
Results achieved as a result of testing
Architectural and design solutions promoting the general accessibility have been created to adapt public venues to the needs of people with different types of disabilities.
Has the innovation been selected for dissemination?

How to implement an innovation?

Who is necessary to implement innovations?
Administrators of public venues Craftsmen/furniture makers
What is necessary to implement innovations?
Materials for building furniture Furniture designs developed as part of the innovation A booklet ‘A comfortable club-café. A notebook with architectural and design solutions’

Who is behind it?

Innovator type
Podmiot prawny
Name and surname or name of the innovator(s)
Paulina Pohl, Sylwia “Nikko” Biernacka of Fundacja Machina Zmian
City where the innovator(s) reside or have their registered office
Kraków, Gdynia, Oświęcim
An institution supporting the development of innovation
NULL string(36) "5e15c065-e210-498e-b05b-94adc6f1b883"
Inkubator pomysłów [2020-23]
Contact for innovation

Sylwia "Nikko" Biernacka:

Telefon: 515 068 873,


Paulina Pohl:

Telefon: 793 433 767;


Do you want to learn more about innovation? Write to us!

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