Champions are among us
A motivational system of unlocking achievements for people with intellectual disabilities.
About innovation
The nature of innovation
Model organizacyjny
The problem that innovation answers
One of the main problems of people with intellectual disabilities is that their rehabilitation focuses primarily on removing or alleviating dysfunctions, rather than on increasing the social skills they need to lead an active life. People with intellectual disabilities are subjected to constant scrutiny, trained in obedience and politeness, without taking into account their professional, personal and social abilities and aspirations.
How does innovation work?
The innovation introduces a motivational system for working with adults with intellectual disabilities. The idea of giving out awards relates to the psychologically documented need for collecting. As part of the innovation 'Champions are among us', people with intellectual disabilities, while acquiring skills, are given awards and titles, which they can put in a special album. The award system is based on a methodological instrument that has been used in scout organizations for years. The scouts acquire the so-called proficiency badges after demonstrating practical skills in a particular field.
people with intellectual disabilities learn a variety of self-care activities, both at home (such as making tea, tying shoelaces or making the bed) and at school, during Occupational Therapy Workshops or in other institutions (sewing, signing, measuring using the measuring tape, etc.). The title of a master in a particular field is awarded to a person who can demonstrate certain skills during an exam. Those who fail the exam are awarded the title of an apprentice. Therapists attending the exam teach those who failed the exam how to manage unpleasant emotions associated with failure. In order to respect the autonomy and their rights as individuals, the participation in the process of acquiring master titles is vountary. This is an important element of the whole programme as it takes into account the individual needs and interests of the participants.
The handbook ‘How to become a champion. Step by step!’ helps with the innovation.
Who is the innovation for?
People with intellectual disabilities attending occupational therapy workshops, residential nursing homes, community self-help centers.
Who can implement the innovation?
Therapists, instructors and caregivers who work with people with intellectual disabilities on a daily basis in occupational therapy workshops, residential nursing homes or community self-help centers.
Products resulting from testing
A handbook ‘How to become a champion. Step by step!’
Model master badges
A model album for badges
Results achieved as a result of testing
Parents and caregivers who took part in the innovation trial said that the innovation had increased significantly the skills and motivation of people with intellectual disabilities and improved their willingness to learn. Their overall opinion of the programme was very positive.
The impact of the innovation on people with intellectual disabilities was also noticed by the therapists who work with them on a daily basis. The increase in the motivation of the innovation participants, their interest in activities carried out at the center and, in particular, their excitement on the exam day prove that the innovation has been welcomed not only by the therapists but also by the people with intellectual disabilities themselves.
Has the innovation been selected for dissemination?
How to implement an innovation?
Who is necessary to implement innovations?
Therapists, instructors and caregivers who work with people with intellectual disabilities on a daily basis in occupational therapy workshops, residential nursing homes or community self-help centers.
What is necessary to implement innovations?
Printed albums for badges
Master and apprentice badges (stickers or pins)
Who is behind it?
Innovator type
Podmiot prawny
Name and surname or name of the innovator(s)
Danuta Kłopocka
Agnieszka Wróblewska, Fundacja Adapa
Łukasz Kamiński, Fundacja Adapa
City where the innovator(s) reside or have their registered office
An institution supporting the development of innovation
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Inkubator pomysłów [2020-23]
Contact for innovation
Danuta Kłopocka:
Fundacja Adapa:
Telefon: 516 169 639, 512 254 813;