You won't be alone in court. Juniors to seniors
The innovation focuses on seniors with perceptual limitations, whose health conditions can lead to problems in the implementation of the right to justice.
About innovation
The nature of innovation
The problem that innovation answers
The essence of the problem is the failure of Polish courts to adapt to the needs of elderly people with perception limitations and people with disabilities. The way courts communicate with citizens is not an example of universal design. In a court, where a visit is stressful for many people, there is a separate and hermetic language, and the premises of courtrooms or customer service offices do not take into account the special needs of their visitors. Instructions addressed to citizens are not written in plain language, access to free legal aid or ex officio attorneys (paid for by the State Treasury) is also not widespread. The level of legal awareness of the public is low, and there are also negative stereotypes among seniors, reinforced by certain actions of the mass media.
How does innovation work?
An assistant in court is a helper and guide for the elderly person, providing assistance to seniors in the full range of their visit to court, excluding the provision of legal aid. The role of the assistant is to accompany the senior citizen from the moment he or she crosses the threshold of the court: he or she is expected to identify the matter on which the senior citizen is coming, guide the latter to the right place (courtroom, secretariat, filing office, but also toilet or bench), and may accompany him or her during activities before the court (for example, being present during the hearing, if this is in line with the senior citizen's wishes).
Who is the innovation for?
Older people with perceptual limitations.
Who can implement the innovation?
Legal organisations;Courts;Free legal advice bureaux;Universities;Organisations and institutions working in the field of support for senior citizens and people with disabilities. Indirectly all stakeholders in the justice system: attorneys at law, judges, other parties to proceedings.
Products resulting from testing
User's Guide;Senior Court Assistant Handbook.
Results achieved as a result of testing
The innovation has made it easier for seniors to assert their rights through the deployment of qualified assistants for seniors with perceptual limitations. The innovation has succeeded in reducing these people getting lost in court, alleviating communication difficulties and minimising feelings of insecurity.
Has the innovation been selected for dissemination?
How to implement an innovation?
Who is necessary to implement innovations?
Seniors with perceptual limitations; people who want to act as assistants.
What is necessary to implement innovations?
People familiar with the law;access to court cases.
Who is behind it?
Name and surname or name of the innovator(s)
Fundacja Instytut Prawa i Społeczeństwa
City where the innovator(s) reside or have their registered office
An institution supporting the development of innovation
string(36) "f2c37eff-ec9a-499d-833a-8d3f199de01d"
Generator Dostępności [2019-2023]
Contact for innovation
Adres korespondencyjny: ul. Ursynowska 20, 402-605 Warszawa.