Fundusze UE

Remote Assistant

A mobile app ‘Remote Assistant’ for visually impaired people (providing remote support via video chat with real-time field navigation).
Zdjęcie Remote Assistant


Who is behind it?

Innovator type
Podmiot prawny
Name and surname or name of the innovator(s)
Chrześcijańskie Stowarzyszenie Osób Niepełnosprawnych, Ich Rodzin i Przyjaciół OGNISKO
City where the innovator(s) reside or have their registered office
Kraków, Wrocław, inne miejscowości, do których udawali się uczestnicy testu, w tym obszary zagraniczne
An institution supporting the development of innovation
NULL string(36) "80cf1321-f5cd-405d-bc7d-4a9de54c6fa1"
Małopolski Inkubator Innowacji Społecznych [2016-2019]
Contact for innovation

Chrześcijańskie Stowarzyszenie Osób Niepełnosprawnych, Ich Rodzin i Przyjaciół OGNISKO:

Telefon: 12 423 12 31;



Adres korespondencyjny: ul. Lubelska 21 30-003 Kraków.

About innovation

The nature of innovation
The problem that innovation answers
It may be difficult and dangerous for visually impaired people to move around on their own in urban areas, especially if they have to go to a new, unfamiliar location. Many visually impaired people can get education or find a job with the aid of personal assistants for people with disabilities. However, it is not possible to provide around-the-clock assistance for visually impaired people to help them in all aspects of daily living. Active, visually impaired people rely most often on the support of relatives and friends which is very burdensome and leads to both planning difficulties (the relatives' activities are dictated by the needs of the person with a disability) and frustration. The urban infrastructure and public transportation are not entirely adapted to the needs of visually impaired people.
How does innovation work?
‘Remote Assistant’ is a mobile app to provide remote support to visually impaired people. It combines a video chat (using the phone's camera) and "live" navigation. The support is provided in real time. The application is designed to support dependants and their caregivers in carrying out activities of daily living. Due to individual mobility difficulties of visually impaired people, we proposed using the wristband for runners. The app includes also a calendar with appointments and a website for the exchange of information between users, both blind people and their assistants. This allows the user to report the need for assistance in advance and to receive it at a specific time of the day. It also makes it possible to report an emergency, an unforeseen situation to which one of the assistants will respond. ‘Remote Assistant’ offers support in three areas: – CityTime – support in navigating the city and dealing with associated problems; – HomeTime – support in various activities carried out at home; – SpecialTime – support specific to the person, e.g. it may be related to their interests.
Who is the innovation for?
Visually impaired people.
Who can implement the innovation?
Institutions, NGOs and entities supporting blind and visually impaired people.
Products resulting from testing
– The app ‘Remote Assistant’ – Oral instructions on how to use the app
Results achieved as a result of testing
The mobile app ‘Remote Assistant” has been developed. 6 people tested the innovation. The app users were given the opportunity to use and test in practice the remote support provided by one of the available assistants.
Assessment of innovation effectiveness
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Rating comment
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Has the innovation been selected for dissemination?

How to implement an innovation?

Who is necessary to implement innovations?
People willing to be assistants
What is necessary to implement innovations?
A smartphone with a working video camera and navigation

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