outdoor education PO POLSKU [eng. IN POLISH] A model for the practice of field-based learning in the school and pre-school curriculum
Use of 3D printing in the production of toys for blind children Creation of educational toys for children and youth with visual disabilities
HEAR-IT Innovation to support the professional activation of d/Deaf people by providing them with IT learning materials
TES - Social Energy Graduation Tower [pol. Tężnia Energii Społecznej] Local Social Energy Graduation Tower providing halotherapy for the elderly
3D Intergenerational Idea Workshop [pol. Międzypokoleniowa Pracownia Pomysłów 3D] Programme for education and activation of seniors and building intergenerational connections
Let's get to know each other: female caregivers from Ukraine and people 60+ from Poland Integration of Polish seniors and Ukrainian female caregivers
Home space planning for seniors Advice on adapting homes to the needs of older people and people with disabilities